Tuesday, 28. June 2005

Finally Vienna or The Final Report

Hello project partners!

Ines is talking to you again...it was a hot weekend there in Vienna when all partners of the project met again or for the first time at polycollege, 5th district, Vienna.

essen schlossquadratschlossquadratThere were six people coming from Ireland, Hungary showed up with four and two Germans completed the group from the other EU countries. The Viennese delegation changed a bit during these four days, and one person came from radio orange 94.0

At first we gave our partners a little bit of a German lesson - as you can see it was very lively. german lesson1 german lesson2

fit mit annelies1 Then we had the pleasure to keep in shape with Annelies, polycollege's gymnastics trainer - it was exhausting, but much fun! fit mit annelies 2

agenda21 agenda21 plan In the afternoon we made a short visit at Agenda 21, the 5th district's project of involving its inhabitants in district's culture. The Irish people were impressed how such a thing is able to work.

In the afternoon the whole group went down to the 9th district to see radio orange 94.0 in Schubertgasse 10. The radio boxes were also inspected and the studio was very crowded for some time.bei orange polyradio box

gruppe at wuk im wukAs we didn't get the room that was reserved for our meeting with the editorial group of "Radio im besten Alter" we walked down the street to the WUK (Werkstätten-und Kulturzentrum). Making a circle with our chairs we discussed and listened to the stories three of the members of "Radio im besten Alter" had to tell.

Saturday morning started with a surprise: nearly everybody was quite on time for the first meeting of the day - a short visit by the Bezirksvorsteher Kurt Wimmer.
meeting with kurt wimmer

the final reportAfterwards there was the main part of the project made with filling out together the final report for EU Grundtvig.

When everything was done correctly we had some time to visit the polycollege bookshop around the corner - a pleasure for Claire, who found the U2 biography.claire u2 polycollege_bookshop

polycollege studioThe radio studio of polycollege was shown, too.

After a quick lunch our european guests were invited to a sightseeing tour through Vienna by one of the members of the editorial group of "Radio im besten Alter" and enjoyed it very much. sightseeing

To complete this impressive and work intensive weekend the whole group had a nice last evening at a typical "Heurigen" were they could taste wine and feel themselves as a "Reblaus".

Our "Lernpartnerschaft" came to an end so far, but we are looking foward to meet again in the future and work together on another interesting project for everybody is feeling the european vibe very strong now.

Bye, and see you soon.

Tuesday, 10. May 2005

My first business trip - to the Black Forest

My name is Ines and I am doing a practical training at the media department of the polycollege in Vienna.
I was invited to go on a business trip with my boss and the director of polycollege to visit our project partners in Freudenstadt/Black Forest.

ines sabotnig polycollege

Although the weather was not really inviting we had a very good and productive time there at the free radio station of Freudenstadt. We exchanged our positive and negative experiences in this project so far and also made wishes and goals for our future work.

first meeting first meeting brainstorming

It was also a very positive sign that Christine Nestler, one "real person" of the target group, was at our meeting as well and showed much interest in the whole project. Together with a target group member of the free radio in Freudenstadt, Erika Lauerwald, they were making plans for a radio cooperation show - the idea was born on a visit at the "Wiener Kaffeehaus" in the city of Freudenstadt.

christine nestler radio orange erika lauerwald freudenstadt

On the whole it was a very interesting and inspiring journey with a lot of nice people from Irland, Hungary and Germany and we are looking forward to our last meeting in Vienna in June.

freudenstadt sonnig

By the way: which Maultaschen-type are YOU?

Friday, 4. February 2005

Austro-Hungarian History

The long common history between Hungary and Austria was renewed when the polycollege team from Vienna came to visit Civil Radio in Budapest.
Interested listeners and guests flew in from Ireland and Germany.

See the story of the meeting.

Old days revival!
from left to right: Martin Mikulik and Susanne Schaefer-Wiery, Austria; Adam Magyar from Hungary; Herbert Depner from Austria.

The day before one could see a hard working poly-team (from left to right: Martin Mikulik, Sylvia Braunsteiner, Susanne Schaefer-Wiery):
hard working polyteam

whilst project leader (and projector carrier) Herbert Depner had a good time signing The Irish-Austrian Cooperation Treaty of Budapest with Jim Doherty from Inishowen Community Radio (watched by Mura from ICR):

irish austrian cooperation treaty

Last picture of the polys before entering the train back home.
All too soon the departure came closer: See now the last official photo of the poly-delegation.

Bye, Bye Budapest: Thank you very much, Adam for your work! and Ferenc as well!
And: Welcome Freudenstadt in May!

...Budapest as seen by Frank Hagen

After being able to getting to know each other in Carndonagh and the situation there, the next step in the learning partnership had to be taken in Budapest.
The main task of the meeting was to plan a Grundtvig project proposal together in which we would be able to get deeper into our work and create long-lasting results.
The most impressive aspect to it, to see the joint effort to really want to create a teaching method according to the principles of adult education for the use of the most modern aspects of radio journalism for the older generation. We agreed, for instance, on the use of digital recording and editing methods. Concepts have to be made, to be able to translate the mostly analog thinking of this generation into the new digital procedures.
frank hagen in budapest
Another important role of community media was shown to us by a hungarian pensioner who uses his own life history to create a history of the last 60 years in Hungary via Civil community radio. He cooperates with young people as age correspondent speakers of each historical period.
In this case we were shown again that innovative uses of media can result, when people with experience, no matter in which way, get the opportunity to get access to the media, not as objects but subjects. One step further was being made to get a clearer picture in what kind of way senior citizens could be part of the media landscape and how we have to teach them to be able to do it – it has to be based on their longlasting experiences.

...Budapest as seen by David Perlzweig

The international meeting of teams involved in the „Socrates 2-projekt” in Budapest was a big step ahead for the work with the participants in Freudenstadt Germany. The well-organized meeting was a good basis for productive and informative discussion. Through the presentation of the local community radio in Budapest “Civil Radio”, the partners received information on all aspects of the development and administration of a community broadcasting station in Hungary. Many of these aspects, especially the mixture of generations and the work with disabled people, where very impressive. Witnessing successful practice and becoming familiar with the “how-to’s” is always the best way to learn and be inspired. The meetings of the “Learning Partnership” are the perfect way to achieve this.

David enjoying his meal.

Regarding a follow-up “Grundtvig I” project, the partners succeeded in fixing the basic starting points for every working team involved, including budget, content, timetable, dissemination and evaluation. Answering some open questions was only possible in face to face conversation, which is another important aspect of these meetings.

Our visit in the broadcasting station “Civil Radio” was very inspiring for our work in Germany. A project like this helps by exchange of experience and makes it possible to develop solutions together.

Radio Orange in Ireland

Local radios are no longer operating as locally in digital times as they used to in analog days. The internet provides us the opportunity to take part in global movements, some of which are coming from or are based on local grounds. In the case of urban community radios, like Orange 94.0, it´s allready common to keep in touch with other local radios or initiatives in other cities. But there´s one big point missing in these digital forms of communication – the face to face interaction.
In this learning partnership real people tell each other about their specific way of working in their specific local circumstances in their own community radio, or training institution. The best thing about differences is, when you get to know them, and why they are there, you can only learn from them.
In our first meeting the main interests were to find out about the daily life of a community radio station in this very rural area of Inishowen.
How is the older generation being integrated into radio life and work?
How is training being organised and done?
How are interactions between people living in a continuously changing borderland?
When you expect to find differences, it´s likely to encounter similarities.
In our first meeting, the area of Inishowen reminded me a lot to the Austrian/ Hungarian/ Slowakian border situation. There´s a lot of development happening and people begin to orientate themselves in a cross border situation – orientating to the nearest big cities, no matter if they are in the same country or not.
The radio station sees itself in the same way, although it is not being heard on the other side of the border, it aims to integrate people from both sides. The older generation gets an important role in this aspect, as they can provide the younger with living history, on and off air. There are no particular trainings being offered at Inishowen Community Radio for older people, because in their integrative approach, they offer training for everybody. Here´s one big difference we could recognise, because in urban areas, most people are used to sticking to themselves and appreciate being taught in a more closed setting. Youngsters among youngsters, seniors among seniors – although there´s allways a certain point of disappointment involved with the situation. In Carndonagh we met some ex-trainees, who are still involved actively in the radio, with a long lifetime experience, who told us about their experiences with the radio training.
In this partnership we found out in the first meeting, that we can learn from each other especially in terms of empowerment, different strategies to achieve it and the will to offer the older generation involvment in actual processes, work that´s being done on a community based level – an experience that they know from their younger days, were we can learn from again.

Frank Hagen, frank.hagen@orange.or.at

Friday, 15. October 2004

Freies Radio Freudenstadt besucht Inishowen

The international meeting in Ireland of teams involved in the „Socrates 2” learning partnership “Radio for a New Generation” was very productive in relation to work at the community radio station in Freudenstadt, Germany, and especially with regard to the forthcoming work within the project.
Due to the open borders in Europe it is possible to establish an exchange of information in a very straightforward fashion.

Such a meeting attended by persons from various age groups who have a common goal can, as became immediately apparent, achieve very positive results. The free exchange of information allowed partners to adopt many good ideas, thus profiting from their colleagues’ previous and reflection. And so these days in Ireland were full of interesting and new impressions for us that will influence our work in a positive way.

Participating in this project is an opportunity for us to perceive Europe as a working entity, not as a virtual product of some politicians thoughts and efforts. Especially in Ireland, we recognized many benefits of the policies of the EU. This recognition was deepened in an encounter with John Hume, an ex-EU parliamentarian and Nobel peace laureate who gave us insight into the peace-keeping and conciliatory activities of the EU. Even if there are many differences between Ireland and Germany, historically and economically, it was impressive to see that the people of Ireland are faced with similar problems as their counterparts in Germany. For us, this is a major advantage of international cooperation: understanding problems, sharing experience, and adapting solutions in our country so as to multiply the benefits of admirable work done in other European countries.

Town centre

Alongside initiating project cooperation, a main goal of our meeting was to become acquainted with the local broadcasting station “Inishowen Community Radio”. This happened at a time when a large local plant was closing, causing a loss of 620 jobs which are crucial for the region. Through these events we became more aware of the basic democratic function of community radio, since this was the main theme being discussed “on air”. Speakers not only analyzed the political and economic reasons, they also interviewed some of those who have lost their jobs. Our visit in the broadcast station “Inishowen Community Radio” was very inspiring. Most impressive was the support for the radio station among the local population. In this respect, we can learn from our Irish colleague how to “do better”.

Freudenstadt is a city with a large number of older people wishing to enjoy a quite retired life. One drawback involved is that they may withdraw from cultural and social life. Our discussion with three people from Ireland who are actively engaged in radio broadcasting helped us to developed some approaches and solutions that can be applied to our own local situation.
david perlzweig

Tuesday, 21. September 2004


I hope this new tool will add information to our partnership, and we will use it frequently.
So instead of all the criss- and cross mails we should think of publishing information here, and even with pictures or sounds.

Please have in mind: the webspace offered here is limited.
(And as soon as Adam has his pictures ready I will put the best one in the right corner above!)

Enjoy the weblog, and: All the best!


Radio for a New Generation

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Finally Vienna or The...
Hello project partners! Ines is talking to you again...it...
depner - 29. Jun, 10:26
My first business trip...
My name is Ines and I am doing a practical training...
depner - 10. May, 14:31
Austro-Hungarian History
The long common history between Hungary and Austria...
depner - 4. Feb, 14:37
...Budapest as seen by...
The international meeting of teams involved in the...
depner - 4. Feb, 14:02
...Budapest as seen by...
After being able to getting to know each other in Carndonagh...
depner - 4. Feb, 14:01


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